Career Advice for Young Adults in their Twenty’s


The transition from your late 20’s to your 30’s is a major one. People’s and the world’s expectations of you suddenly change. You’re no longer endless potential waiting to be realised but rather potential that has developed into something of value to the world. The world suddenly expects you to be reliable. To arrive on time. To show up when you say will.
Here are several pieces of sound career advice for young adults in their twenty’s.
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1.) Choose a career you like

A common theme at the end of metric is for many students to base their tertiary studies on what will make them wealthy. And thus many school leavers will enrol in courses like accounting, business or engineering. Doing 4 years of university maths at the hopes of becoming an engineer when you couldn’t stand Maths at school isn’t going to produce a satisfied or contented engineer. Furthermore, you’ll most likely lack the passion required to produce good work and put in those extra hours when the project requires.
It’s important to choose a career that you enjoy. You can do this by thinking about everything you’re passionate about and then choose the passions you’re good at ie your talents.
Take the Myers Briggs personality test here to find your strengths.

2.) Take risks

They say youth is waisted on the young. But not when youth is used well. I well utilised youth is one of taking good risks. And when you’re a young, risks aren’t as hard hitting because you have plenty of time and energy too get back on your feet. Ultimately, taking a risk when you’re young is a win-win; because if you lose you’ll have learnt much about yourself and the world around you and if your risk pays off, you’ll be more successful.
If you’re a young adult, don’t be afraid to take a risk, whether that’s investing in the stock market, changing jobs or even moving to a new city.

3.) You can always change careers later

Don’t overthink your first career path. Often when you’re in your early twenties you think your interests now will define your entire life. But just like a band you liked when you’re twenty-one that seems completely lame now, so your interests change overtime. That’s not to say you might completely hate what you’re doing – but keep that in mind when making a career choice. The perfect job might not be what its cracked up to be 3 years down the road and vice versa.

4.) Experience work in another country

Now this can be quite challenging especially if you’re living life on the ol Green Mumbo aka a South African passport. But if you look hard enough and do your due diligence you can always find a way to work abroad. When you work abroad, your mind will be opened and exposed to different work ethics, values and different cultures. It really does change your perspective on life and career.

5.) Have a side hustle

Ever heard of that friend who’s dad found his job in the newspaper when he finished school and continued to work at that same company until he retired at 65 where he received a nice retirement package before moving to a quaint seaside town and spent the rest of his days drinking tea and taking lengthy walks on white sand beaches. Not that there’s anything wrong with that – but those days are a bygone era.
In the 21st century our lives aren’t as mapped out. Everything seems slightly more volatile. And thus it always pays to have a side hustle. Whether that is taking photos on the side. Writing a couple blogs or giving a guitar lesson here and there. Invest sometime in a side hustle you enjoy.
Interested in starting a side hustle? Here’s a lovely article detailing exactly how to do just that.


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